001- Tea Bread
I should not start my food blog mean, so my first episode is a food recommendation!
I choose tea bread (茶包) as my first episode has shown how loyal of a customer I am!
They are just so good I think everybody have to go get some of this percious crispy buns!
They provide different flavor and fillings, one of my top pick is their green tea crispy bun. Omg they are amazing! literally, better than sex!
The Bun is served hot and crispy, you know how when bread is crispy they could some how cut your mouth. The crispy bun in tea bread never cut my big mouth, but just have the softness of bread and crisp of the crunch!
With their signature green tea filling I am in heaven, I am enjoying every single bite of it.
I also highly recommend their egg salad bun and the original condense milk bun.
Their egg salad bun is not heavy, I think they are using the Japanese mayonnaise (so extra point), if you are hungry this is a good choice.
If you never have any crispy bun before, you should start with the original one first. Cause when you go with green tea filling you will never want to try other flavor anymore! That is how much I love their green tea crispy bun!
Tea Bread (茶包): Shop p3,g/f, Tung Fat Building, 9 Ping Wui Street, Yuen Long, NT, Hong Kong